Hi Everyone:

I find myself deeply troubled by the trend to dismiss UCD as irrelevant or
(worse) harmful and to suggest that design is a wholly new field.

Of course every field must advance in its thinking and its practices. But
there is a risk of design, divorced from usability, becoming effete and
irrelevant. I have seen chairs in museums that are beautiful but not
comfortable and thought that they were better off there and not in my

Most interactive products are tools of some sort. At the end of the day,
tools must be both useful and usable. They need to do something and do it
well. Efficacy is an inseparable part of the user experience when it comes
to tools. 

If we can improve on UCD techniques and find better and more efficient ways
to make products useful and usable that is a wonderful thing.

The great computer scientist Richard Hamming (with whom briefly I studied
when I was an undergraduate) used to remark "Sir Isaac Newton said, 'If I
have seen further than others, it is because I've stood on the shoulders of
giants.' Today we stand on each other's feet!"

In the effort to define IxD as a "new" field rather than the next generation
of an existing one, there is a real risk of discarding the baby with the
bathwater. It seems to me that the better focus is how can we take
interactive design to the next level, building on what came before and
improving it.


Charles B. Kreitzberg, Ph.D.
CEO, Cognetics Corporation

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