Regarding the Mozilla Labs part of this thread, I started following
Aza's concept mockups about 8-10weeks ago. In watching the progress
and checking out the archives I found myself feeling both humbled and
inspired that he/MozLabs were opening up their process to public
debate and had called for participation to anyone interested. Feeling
inspired, I decided to throw my hat in the ring with a concept of my
own that blended a few of Aza'z ideas with my own twist on it and
posted it in reply to his with absolutely no expectations as to it's

As it turns out, Aza did find something of value from my mockup and
recently referenced it on the MozLabs Blog here:

Now, the point of me posting this has nothing to do with personal
gain. Rather it has everything to do with encouraging our community
to engage with Open Source UX and that even the smallest idea can
make a difference. 

The dev community clearly has a huge head start on their side of the
"open source" movement and we should all be looking at the massive
opportunity in front of us to make an equally large impression on the
UXD/IXD community by not only participating ourselves but by also
encouraging others to participate as much as possible. 

We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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