I was thinking more about this.   If it existed, and I wanted to use
it, what would I want to get out of it?  I think I would want to see,
to quickly skim, related concepts.   I'm interested in doing a new
edit-in-place grid perhaps, and I want to flip through a bunch of
images of such grids, and then drill down on the ones I find
interesting.  I'm thinking like a horizontal scrolling marquee of
images, or perhaps a better motif would be a sketchbook, where I can
"flip" through the pages to see related concept ideas.  Or even
something flashy and exciting like a spinning globe where the images
from the concepts would be on the surface.   I drilldown to the
interesting ones, then back out to where I was to continue searching,
without losing my place so I don't have to revisit ideas.  Also, I
might like a way to mark ideas I've seen as "read" or even to rate
them, for myself.  Like a personal bookmark system, but with ratings,
or some way I can tag it so I can filter them based on my own


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