
I am sorry you feel it is somehow disrespecting the work you and
others have been doing.

I don't think I am, it is not an all out attack on UCD proponents
but a critique of the practice of UCD in general.

You say that is has been proven that UCD delivers ROI but measured up
against what?

I for one am not talking about not involving users, I am just talking
about involving them differently than the normal UCD process do, for
reasons I have already outlined and that you are welcome to critique
if you find them to be wrong.

No one is talking about not having the user involved in the process
but simply that the user in the UCD in general is involved the wrong

Places that don't IMO actually give any proper indications of what
is is testing for the final product because there is a disconnect
between the propotype (often paper and static) and the actual final

Furthermore I do find it interesting and disturbing that most people
who are proponents of the UCD process are academic people who don't
actually do the final design themselves inhouse which no matter how
you turn it around obviously creates a problematic favoring of the
UCD process rather than a more holistic understanding (not just view)
of the design process in general.

UCD to often becomes a consultancy position rather than an actual
position of creation.

If you fell that is somehow disrespecting you then I am sorry, but
that is how I have come to see the UCD business with my only 14 years
of experience in this field.

But if the model is broken which I feel it is, I feel it's also my
obligation to raise the issues as I see them. If you or others can
show that it's not like what I am describing then by all means argue
for why I am wrong instead of fuming and questioning my experience in
the field.

Just because I don't write a thousand blogposts and have podcasts
does not mean I don't know what I am talking about. I just spend my
time on different things than you.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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