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I don't agree with all that Surly and Torsten said, but there's food for
thought in their comments. 

Look at the website for Apple Express.  No comparison, different
product and approach, I know, but it is competition. You'll see simple
pictures that explain without words what it does.  Setup instructions -
a few short short bullet points. Nothing comparably straightforward on
either Slim or Logitech sites.

I know more people that own these than own Squeeze products. Does it
offer the same functionality - of course not. But Apple probably sells
more of these every few days than Logitech sells of Squeeze products
each month. 

If you want to see the opposite of simplicity - look at the wording for
the Boom on the Slim Devices website. Or the other product descriptions.
The average person would scratch their head and lose interest.

Ok, I'm off the soapbox.

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