Philip Meyer;348146 Wrote: 
> I find that the MIP libarary is automatically fed ratings set from SC
> (via TrackStat).  I must admit that I don't know how this happens (is
> this via MusicIP plugin or TrackStat or CustomScan?).
> The first time I used CustomScan to export ratings to MusicIP.  This
> took a little while to copy stats across, but since then whenever I set
> a rating in SC (or play a track), the stats are synced across
> automatically to MIP too.
Unless something has happened very recently with the MusicIP plugin, I
think the ratings transfer works through Custom Scan and the "MusicIP
Statistics Export" scanning module provided by TrackStat. The key is
that you have checked the "Dynamically update statistics" parameter in
this scanning module.

MeSue;348168 Wrote: 
> Sounds like Custom Scan may be the piece of the puzzle I was missing
> before. Any reason to wait for validation to finish before doing an
> initial Custom Scan Export?
TrackStat doesn't check the mixable status so it will work from the
TrackStat side. However, I think there were someone that tried to
export while validating which resulted in that MusicIP lost information
about already validated tracks and the whole validation had to be
executed again.

So I would personally wait until the validation had finished, and I
would then also completely restart MusicIP to make sure the validation
result have been written to the cache before I try to export ratings.


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
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