I think it must have been some time on 2001 but we had just decided to
decorate and as part of the preparation an entire wall rack of CD's had to
be taken off the wall and stored.

After the painting was done it was time to put the whole thing back up. I
had already used a PC to store music for parties that I would play via
playlists and as I assessed the task of putting all these cd's back on to
the freshly painted wall I thought that there had to be a better way.

It did not take much research before Audiotron and Slimdevices were found.
Once I saw a picture of the Slimp3 I was hooked. It did exactly what I
needed - play my ripped CD collection from a central store - distributed
over Ethernet with a cool display and remote. I found a UK reseller and
ordered one immediately.

It worked out the box, everyone was impressed, 4 friends of mine did the
same. A few years later we moved to a new house which we had built - fully
wired Cat5 to all rooms for obvious reasons.

We have awaited each new product release with eager anticipation - the SB1,
then upgrading it to an SB1G, then the SB2 (wired and then Wifi) which we
use mostly. I have only recently added an SB3 just because I wanted another

I think I must be a very much 'old school' user as the idea of a player
without a display is a tough one for me - and to have a neat colour LCD
based controller that could easily get dropped (you should meet my family!)
would not be good right now!

Historically I have always ripped to MP3 but recently I have performed some
tests with Flac files and despite many years of seeing Rush Live - I could
hear a difference immediately. Now, when I get the chance - I shall have to
teach some children how to open a CD case, pop it into a PC and rip it to
Flac - x 500.

'I want a squeezebox boombox' and will be getting one when funds permit. I
like the look of the Transporter but it would be wasted on me. 

I love the products, they have always worked, never had any real problems
with Slimserver/Squeezecenter and I love my weatherdisplay plugin. When I
have the time - I would like to write a plugin that could give me the local
wind forecast for the coming days. Being keen divers - if it always said
less than 10 knots - that would do!


Richard Scales
2 x slimp3, 1 x SB1G, 4 x SB2, 1 x SB3

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Lanctot
Sent: 16 October 2008 14:55
To: discuss@lists.slimdevices.com
Subject: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech

I'm particularly interested in the forum members with older players back
when this stuff was -really- obscure...

This thread http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=53642
prompted me to think about when I first heard of Slim Devices.

I probably heard of the Squeezebox from the AVS Forum.  The main
stumbling block for me was price and the fact that it was 802.11b with
WEP.  However I thought SlimServer was very cool, installed it and
played with it.  I guess I'm easily impressed, I thought it was very
neat that it ran a remote web server that could be controlled over the
network.  At that time I started cleaning up my tags and ripping my CDs
to FLAC.  Eventually I uninstalled SlimServer as it wasn't doing
anything for me and I almost forgot about Slim Devices.

Fast-forward to October 2005 when (again through AVS Forums) I learned
about the SB3.  I went to the website where I discovered the remaining
SB2s were on sale.  The SB2 addressed the issues I had with the SB1 and
seeing as it was on sale and money was better for me at the time, I dove

I wrote a review article for a computer forum I was active in at the
time, ABX Forum, but I posted it here first for comments.  Sean Adams
wondered why I was reviewing the SB2 and an older version of SS
(6.0.2?) and sent me an SB3 for review.

I was thinking of a use for 2 players at the time, so when the review
period was over I ended up buying that SB3.  The rest is history...

So what are your stories?

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta), SBC (beta - no battery)
Sold: SB3, Duet
Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=53831

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