jaffacake;354594 Wrote: 
> I think you guys could argue this point forever, you're all right and
> all wrong at the same time...because there are 2 completely different
> markets for this kind of product and you're arguing from both camps.
> The first market are those who already own an iPhone or iPod touch.
> They carry it all the time, especially in the case of the phone, and
> it's a convenience to them if they can also control their music system
> from this device. An official or unofficial solution is suited to this
> market as they didn't buy the device for this purpose and any solution
> (even if it wasn't fully functioned or didn't work particularly well)
> is a bonus. Battery life, sharing the device etc. isn't a concern as
> only they will use it and then only from time to time.
> The second market comes from people who want a nice modern touchscreen
> controller. As well as being "cool" the touch interface also adds
> benefits in the form of an on-screen keyboard - ideal for artist/track
> searches which aren't so easy on a scroll wheel. For these people, this
> cool controller starts at $220 for a basic iPod Touch...it's a great
> price. Not only that, it can also be used as a portable media player
> with local music/video playback and it's a great little web browser. 
> Sonos CR100 controller? $399 - Squeezebox Controller $292.12
> (amazon.com) - iPod Touch 8GB $219.94 (amazon.com)
> It's obvious to see the attraction here, the iPod option is not only
> touch screen, but it can save $$ over the price of the proprietary
> controller option. People WILL buy them as dedicated controllers.
> People WILL pass them around at parties and people WILL treat them like
> any other controller.
> You run the Sonos controller on an iPod touch and it works like the
> CR100 controller only with a better screen and a touchscreen UI. You
> put it on the coffee table, it goes to sleep. You pick it up, the Sonos
> controller is still there when it wakes. No need to switch tasks, no
> complications, no extra effort. You run that Sonos controller software
> and keep it running and that's all it will ever be...the fact that it
> has an Apple badge on the backside makes no difference to the end user.
> You just use it, and charge it, like any other controller.

Clarifying my points:

1. - Controller makes a better "home" remote for communal use. So does
the iPod Touch or any dedicated media player with a decent interface
and wifi.

2. - An iPhone Smartphone is a bit of overkill as a "home" remote if
you use its other functions on an ongoing basis for prolonged periods
of time. Battery life is more on an issue for mobile multi-use battery
powered devices that it is for single-use battery powered devices. It
might make a good "personal" remote, but not a good "home" remote.

3. - What I'm looking for is a good SSH client for my Smartphone or a
derivative of SqueezePlay with SHH for this platform so that I can
expand/widen its use as a stream media "player" to include my SC server
which at the same time would give me "personal" remote capabilities as
sync it with a hardware player at home

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