Quoting jazztime ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> I'm planning to buy some remote solution for my one Transporter and two
> Squeezeboxes setup. But I'm uncertain if I should buy the Controller or
> a iPod touch (or Iphone) with some of the iPeng, iSqueeze/Squeemote,
> Squidgy software. The Controller i 370$ and the iPod touch (8gb) is
> 270$ (I'm in Denmark). The large touch-screen on the touch looks very
> nice and it is cheaper, but:

Squidgy is nice, fast and responsive.  Can't wait for iPeng. 

I have a Controller and a couple of iPhones-my opinion after using
both is that the iPhone(touch) is a great 'personal' remote that is
likely to always be with you, but for a multi-person household
having a 'traditional' remote like the Controller laying around to
be picked up and used is extremely convenient.

I spent a large chunk of time listening yesterday while working on
some computer issues, with both my iPhone and Controller next to me.
Every time, it was more convenient to pick up the Controller to make
a quick change to what was playing - fast forward, check the song
title etc.

My two cents.

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