Hello all. iPeng is wonderful. For picking music, it makes the iPod
unbeatable for me. I recently started using a tablet computer
occasionally, but the lack of iPeng makes me prefer the touch. Thank
you Pippin.

I have developed a Crestron (home automation equipment) interface for
SC, which now allows me to use the iPod Touch as a remote for the
entire system, including source selection and control, volume, and
lighting. For two sources, I use a SB2 and a SqueezeSlave on the
server. Having the ability to control source and volume on the same
page as music is really good for me. (I know that you can do volume in
the SB, but that doesn't work for TV, etc.) The problem is that the
functionality of my SC module is a joke in comparison to iPeng. It's
mostly usable but only a fraction of the way there. (No search, no now
playing manipulation, only currently playing cover art).  It does have
some things I would love in iPeng like dynamic playlist integration
(still use iPeng web interface for that sometimes).

My point is that I applaud your efforts and discussion because
increased control from the iPod is great. I agree with Pippin that one
problem with the iPod is the auto-lock (or lack of screen blanking
without locking) and would add to that criticism the lack of hard
buttons, which means you generally have to look at it to use it, making
TV control a little less great. There are a number of devices that you
can control via IP (Tivo, SqueezeCenter, Crestron, AMX, ...); perhaps
it would be a good idea, as you say Pippin, to develop a plugin for SC
that could interface with various things. Then you could put a GUI
interface to that plugin to send commands from iPeng, if I understood
you correctly.

The beauty of the idea for me is that I could do a lot of the parsing
and processing on the SC computer, in a Crestron plugin, rather than on
my (more and more heavily loaded) Crestron processor. This would take
generic commands from the CLI interface and send them to various
devices. For me that's Crestron, but other people could directly
control a TivO or, as you have been discussing, send IR commands from
the SB to an emitter.

Okay, sorry to ramble on there, if you made it through. I know nothing
about writing plugins for SC, so I'm not really the right person to
start this project, but I might start looking into it. 


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