pippin;584191 Wrote: 
> Sorry for that.

np.  i do appreciate your responses, even the ones i disagree with, b/c
i learn from it either way.  :)

pippin;584191 Wrote: 
> Please ask him about going rates for iPhone programmers these days.

i did.  i asked him how much one would cost generally.  i said "not a
newbie, and not the best, just someone who could do it fairly well" and
he said $50-$100/hr, depending of course.

i then asked him what he would charge, and keep in mind he is very very
good with a very impressive resume, and he said he'd start at $100/hr,
but again that could easily go up depending.  but he is among the best,
in my opinion.

he said it all depends on the app you're trying to do and the persons
skillset and so on, but he flat out rejected that the average rate for
the avg person would be $150/hr.  (he said you could even find people
in India for $25/hr)

i asked him where i would find people here, if i wanted someone but not
him, and he said craigslist.

he said he'd be willing to talk to you, so you can PM me if you want. 
whether or not you guys do work together, it surely couldn't hurt for
you to have him as a contact, and he has partners and knows lots of
other folks who do this stuff who i know he'd put you in contact with
even if you and he don't do anything.

he does have a huge project (called grapevine) pending in the app
store, so in the immediate moment he might not have time to do work for
you, but again, having a contact can't hurt.

pippin;584191 Wrote: 
> Yep. That was my point, wasn't it. I said it would cost like 250-500k to
> develop a simple iPhone remote if you were Logitech and I said if I
> calculate what my work would have cost at market prices (you asked) it
> would have been >$1mil.
> I would not have done it for that money. You need passion to deliver,
> money can't buy you passion.

but surely you understand there is a huge difference between you doing
it and logitech doing it?  meaning if it was sold as part of the
hardware, like as a rebate which i posted earlier, and if they were
first and therefore basically the only ones, it really wouldn't matter
if it was as good as ipeng, as long as it did the basic stuff.

we just disagree i guess.

pippin;584191 Wrote: 
> Never.

ok, so then it is even less likely you or anyone would have even
attempted it, if logitech had even an average one out there, right?

pippin;584191 Wrote: 
> You don't get the point. That _IS_ a totally reasonable and common
> rate.
> I know a lot of iPhone programmers around the world, I'm hiring iPhone
> programmers these days and my experience is:
> You get newbies for $50-60 an hour. You get experienced programmers for
> $100-200 an hour. And if your project is boring you get no iPhone
> programmers at all. For no money in the world. That's the market
> today.
> Seriously? Can you get me some e-mail addresses?

(addressed above)

i can get you in touch w/my brother in law.  if he is wrong, thats on
him i guess, but he does what you do.  PM me if interested.

pippin;584191 Wrote: 
> I had the same. SP is now open source. Doesn't help. Just detracts you.
> Read my point. My point was: For the kind of money they can afford to
> pay on this if they want to make money out of it they will only get one
> that sucks.

i got it, i just disagree.

pippin;584191 Wrote: 
> Because it makes them sell iPhones as big bucks. It's called "focus".
> Apple is a world champion in focusing. THAT'S why they make all that
> money.
> I'm absolutely 100% sure Apple's main metric is R/E because good
> engineers are what's at short supply. You can get all cheap
> manufacturing you want (Apple manufactures NOTHING themselves) but you
> can't grow your engineering force as much as you want. Even if you
> could get enough good engineers, overhead grows exponentially with
> organization size.

it just seems to me that the same way they justified giving SBS away
for free for so many years, (until the touch ver of SBS), they could
justify an app.  yes, smaller margins, but still with the idea to
promote sales of the hardware.

pippin;584191 Wrote: 
> that point is moot. They buy it because they know there's a good app for
> it and they would not buy it without that. Plenty of users who just buy
> a Receiver, they actually can't use the device without the App as well
> as the other way around.

so you know they sell more HW now then they did b4 apps, and that its
b/c of the apps?

and even if that is true, THEY could have been the ones providing the

apps definitely make it a more attractive buy, i don't dispute that,
(assuming people know they exist, its not "on the box") but my point is
that they should be the one providing it, b/c they should leverage their
own IP, and put it on the box.

btw, where can you buy just the SBRec?  and can your app set it up the
way a SBC does?

pippin;584191 Wrote: 
> You can argue until the cows come home about whether Logitech _should_
> have done an App like that, they didn't, what'S the point in arguing
> about it? Ma only point is: there is no SW money in it for them

we disagree i guess, but no harm no foul.  thanks for your opinion,
which i totally grant is far more informed than mine.


sb2 & sbc (my home) / sbrec & ipeng (parent's home) - sbs 7.5.2b - win
xp pro sp3 ie8 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 - d-link
dir-655 - 45k+ mp3
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