MrSinatra;584037 Wrote: 
> totally disagree.  what were your costs in making ipeng?  include your
> own time.  anything near that?
If I include my own time? Definitely! If I unclude it at the rate at
which I could have marketed that time as an iPhone developer? Much more
than what I quoted above. At market prices ($150/h) iPeng development so
far would have cost definitely >1 mil$.

As opposed to you I _know_ what I'm talking about here, I'm in that
business and I've been in the hardware business for quite a while,
> logitech could have supplied all the source code to a contractor and
> just set a price.  they could have had something early, and on ALL the
> devices out there, (iwhatever, android, etc) and if they had been
> first, they could have charged for major updates or whatnot.
My price was for one app. The Logitech source code is worthless for
that environment, trust me, I've been trying to port SqueezePlay Audio
for long enough to know.
Add the same bill I mentioned above for any other platform you want to
support besides iPhone.

For cheap, they could have something that sucks and hurts their HW
sales. You can't charge for updates on the App Store.
> kudos to you of course, i thin ipeng is great, but from logitech's POV
> imo it makes no sense to not even attempt to enter the space, esp given
> they have SP.  surely they could still at least get into android, and
> work from there?
Again, SP is worth nothing in this environment. Half of the code in
there has license restrictions they won't get around either and the
other half is LUA. OK, it's exaggerated on the license side but still
enough to make a complete re-write necessary.
> and if everyone develops the app and gives it away for free, then by
> that logic logitech should develop a iOS app and give it away for free
> too!
Not if it sucks and hurts their HW sales. Read SB reviews. They are
full of "It's nice, but if you really want it usable you need 3rd party
apps like iPeng". If that read "It's nice but the App they are giving
away with it sucks" what do you think how much they would sell.
> profits are profits.  its not about margins or total dollars, its
> basically ONLY a question of will this, in some way, make money for
> us?
Cough, cough... Have you EVER worked for a big American company that
does manufacturing? I have and the main metric they work for is R/E
(revenue per engineering man year) And success in corporate
environments is not measured in dollars earned but in deliverables
delivered with your team, your budget and your headcount. This is what
determines your salary. And no, of course I don't say this is how it
_should_ be. But it is. Everywhere.
> what makes the LEAST amount of sense to me is logitech doing NOTHING,
> and allowing someone else to leverage their SBS development costs into
> profits they see none of.  (and no one would get ipeng who didn't first
> already have the HW, so it basically doesn't help there much either)
You are wrong again.
1. Read the reviews I mentioned above.
2. I know of a significant share of my customers who buy the Squeezebox
HW exactly because they look for something they can control well with
their iThingy.
> i disagree that that HAS to be the case.  there may not be any current
> good examples, but that just means the opportunity for logitech
> exists.
Well, as I said, let's revisit this in 15 years. I believe the problem
is the distance you have to the TC screen which makes reading too hard
(wrong eye focus) which in turn means you can only use big, iconized
UIs. You can not touch it so you are lacking the immediate feedback
you've got on an iPad.
And no, making it bigger doesn't help with any of that. Not at all.
> i would lov my SB to power visualizations on the TV, and show info on
> it, great for parties.
That's what I said. How much would you pay for that?
> consider how good some music apps can be on computers which have
> displays obviously.  the idea is to port that exp to the TV.
Yep. And that idea is wrong. You are sitting in front of your computer
when you use it and you've got a keyboard. Just try to use a computer
with a _huge_ screen 5 meters away. Headache after half an hour, I
promise you!
> my response would be that there is a video market, and it dwarfs the
> audio market,
Do you have figures for that? I doubt it. You have to count iPods etc.
in on the audio side.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at
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