pippin;584028 Wrote: 
> While I agree with a lot of what you are saying especially the vision
> thing there are a few things where you are IMHO clearly wrong:
> 1. I think you either overestimate the App market or don't understand
> Logitech's business. There is no money for Logitech in there at all.
> While this is pretty good for a single developer like me who sometimes
> hires a few freelancers, with the cost structure of a company like
> Logitech you will come out at zero at best. Developing an App like
> iPeng in such an environment, with similar performance will cost you
> between $250.000 to $500.000 in a corporate environment (2 developers,
> a UI designer, a graphics designer, translators) plus customer support.
> Plus marketing, maybe another $500.0000.

totally disagree.  what were your costs in making ipeng?  include your
own time.  anything near that?  logitech could have supplied all the
source code to a contractor and just set a price.  they could have had
something early, and on ALL the devices out there, (iwhatever, android,
etc) and if they had been first, they could have charged for major
updates or whatnot.

and as i said to erland, if they dropped the displays from the base
products, that would make sales of these apps more likely.  they could
even add it to the price of displayless HW and then offer a "rebate"
for it once purchased at the app store.

logitech can't sell the SBC now except to a very niche market while at
the same time isn't even trying to enter the space you're capitalizing
on.  kudos to you of course, i thin ipeng is great, but from logitech's
POV imo it makes no sense to not even attempt to enter the space, esp
given they have SP.  surely they could still at least get into android,
and work from there?

pippin;584028 Wrote: 
> Logitech would obviously reach many more customers but even if they are
> really good and sell ten or 20 or 100 times more than iPeng (the latter
> would definitely require them to lower the price) this is no money for a
> company like Logitech.
> They want to manufacture and manufacturing companies make money by
> selling hardware. So the logical way to do things would be to give the
> App away for free and make more money on the HW. Sonos does that, Apple
> does that.

but thats dopey of them if true.  think about how expensive developing
SBS is, but you're not going to attempt to monitize it?  i think Touch
is an attempt to do that, however poor.

and regardless of if you believe the SP should be ported, it simply
doesn't make sense to not even attempt to enter the portable device
market, yet try to sell the SBC. 

and if everyone develops the app and gives it away for free, then by
that logic logitech should develop a iOS app and give it away for free

pippin;584028 Wrote: 
> People often talk about how much money Apple makes with the App Store
> and I tell you: they don't do that and they don't try. It's an enabled
> for them and they don't want to lose money on it but they don't really
> care about making a lot. Look at Apple's balance sheet and you'll see
> that App Store / iTunes profits (they only report them combined) are
> totally dwarfed by HW sales.

profits are profits.  its not about margins or total dollars, its
basically ONLY a question of will this, in some way, make money for

so logitech could have done it and sold the app, and made money on it
that way, OR they could give it away for free, and hope that spurs HW
sales, and make money that way.  what makes the LEAST amount of sense
to me is logitech doing NOTHING, and allowing someone else to leverage
their SBS development costs into profits they see none of.  (and no one
would get ipeng who didn't first already have the HW, so it basically
doesn't help there much either)

pippin;584028 Wrote: 
> 2. I don't believe people want to use a TV to control their music
> because a TV is a bad UI for that. Not due to bad implementation but
> principally.

i disagree that that HAS to be the case.  there may not be any current
good examples, but that just means the opportunity for logitech

pippin;584028 Wrote: 
> People today _believe_ they want that because it's what you can buy
> because the AV manufacturers do video players and then add some audio
> because it's in there anyway, but it sucks and always will.

i would lov my SB to power visualizations on the TV, and show info on
it, great for parties.

consider how good some music apps can be on computers which have
displays obviously.  the idea is to port that exp to the TV.

pippin;584028 Wrote: 
> People also will never, never seriously use the TV for Internet
> browsing. Read my words and remember them in 15 years.

i will.  google TV or something eventually will prove you wrong.

pippin;584028 Wrote: 
> Visu on a TV, OK, that's cool but how much money is in there for that?
> There is no A/V market, the use cases are too different, there is an
> audio market and a video market and the only reason they are often
> referred to as combined is because video players have an audio output,
> too do it costs nothing to add that feature. Which is also reflected in
> the quality that feature usually has on these devices.

my response would be that there is a video market, and it dwarfs the
audio market, but the audio market isn't insignificant.  so the answer
then is to try to serve both markets, and serve them both well.  most
people don't want two different devices for each task.  they want one
device to do both, and provide a similar, easily learned exp, that can,
but does not have to, involve the TV.

pippin;584028 Wrote: 
> I don't care whether all of this sounds unamerican to you since I'm not
> American but these are the lines along which you'll have to align your
> strategy if you want to get the most money out of it.

that comment is being taken out of context, as i'll explain in another


sb2 & sbc (my home) / sbrec & ipeng (parent's home) - sbs 7.5.2b - win
xp pro sp3 ie8 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 - d-link
dir-655 - 45k+ mp3
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