erland wrote: 
> It's nice to hear that I'm not alone with this kind of experience, I
> started think that my experience with people recovering a RAID system
> and ending up in a scenario where the recovery takes too long or fails
> was a rare exception.

I had a RAID-5 array for many years, using linux software RAID. That
array lasted through 3 computers,  4 operating systems and two bad
disks, but one day it went bad and would not recover no matter what I
did. But I DID keep full backups (the last of which had just happened
two days before) so I was able to completely recover everything. Even
with the array messed up I could still  get the data off the array, but
it was not functioning like it should. (but that was unnecessary because
of the backup).  

But  this backing up to hard drives is  still so much better than "in
the old days" using tapes to do backup. I had two different tape systems
and was diligent in making backups. But the two times I had a total disk
meltdown and needed  to  do a restore the tapes would not read on the
same drive that wrote them. A complete waste of time and money. 

John S.

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