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Although Zaragon (see post No 87) already touched it, I wander how comes
the discussion hasn't turned (yet again) to the SlimServer Light, or
whatever you want to call a much less power hungry version of the
software with a stripped down functionality.

That would be The solution for a NAS based server. 
Not everyone wants to have all the bells and whistles Squeezecenter is
offering (I don't. And I don't care about SqueezeNetwork or iTunes :)

However, 2 points must be conceded: one, Logitech in _not_ going to
develop a stripped down version of SlimServer; two, NAS manufacturers
will _not_ be producing cheap NAS'es with powerful processors/lots of

So, lots of fuss about nothing. You can't have your cake
(functionality) and eat it (combine it with a cheap NAS).
I'll admit, I was also very much tempted, but managed to fight it down
So I'll suggest the power-savers to start looking for an old P3 box
running Ubuntu (or something)/SS 6.5.4 + other software you want it to,
with passive-only cooling, no display, no CD-ROM, no nothing (except for
the initial configuration). Dump it in a basement. Add as many NAS'es as
you like, do all the ripping/tagging etc. on another (WinXP?) machine.
That's it. OK, full scan will not be very fast, but start it when you
go to sleep, and next day, when you come back from work, it'll be done.
Response times should be +/- OK even with P3.

Before you ask: no, I haven't put it together myself as yet, but I am
going to as I am running out of disc space in my current configuration,
and an upgrade is inevitable.


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