I can accept that there is no harm in having an option to turn off auto 
compilation detection.

>i really think the current VA logic is silly (from a design POV), altho i
>admit it works good for some people (in their estimations).
It's not silly.  It works well, and will work correctly for the vast majority 
of the mass-market.  An album is tagged as a various artist (compilation) album 
if it has different artists performing songs on the album.

The rules are quite clear, and the user has to do nothing to configure how it 

I believe it only "goes wrong" (it's doing the right thing) when an album has 
guest artists without an album artist defined.  Such an album is classified as 
a various artist compilation because there are various artists on the album.  
Such a problem can be fixed by:

1. Ensuring all artists on all songs are the same.
2. Adding an album artist tag.
3. Adding a compilation=0 tag.

I'm not sure if there are any side-effects of (3) - this is essentially what 
you are doing by turning off the auto compilation detection feature.  That may 
lead to other problems in the library browsing.

If you are aware of other times SC gets compilation detection "wrong", please 

>what if a user could define certain strings found in certain tag fields
>as being indicative of being a compilation?
No way.

That would be less "foolproof" than the current auto-detection, and for more 
work for the majority of users.  I have 118 compilation albums in my library; I 
would not want to add 118 album names into a list in one app. I cannot see any 
particular words that appear in the album names that should instantly flag the 
album as a compilation.  eg. I have a few compilations that contain the words 
"Another Late Night" - but I cannot confirm instantly that all albums 
containing "Another Late Night" should be compilations.

There used to be a similar feature in SlimServer to avoid two albums with the 
same name being considered part of the same album.  This was the "greatest 
hits" problem.  There was a configurable list of album names that SlimServer 
would not join together into one compilation album.  It didn't work well, and 
was removed.

Why don't you write a program that scans your library, searching for albums 
that have your strings, and sets a compilation tag in them.  Then you scan your 
songs back into SC, with auto-compilation detection turned off.
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