MrSinatra;309428 Wrote: 
> i guess i have to wait, b/c i just don't have the time to get into this
> aspect of it.  i've never been good at programming.  also, does it cost
> money?  i do have a mac, but its the wifes and for now i'd rather keep
> SC off of it, (and i'm not mac savvy yet anyway).
As already mentioned, it's free and it has an installer, so it's really
not that complicated. When you have installed ActiveState perl and got
it to run the in your unpatched copy, I'll provide you
with some files updated with the patch which you just can unzip in your
SqueezeCenter installation. 

The other alternative is just to wait until someone at Logitech has the
time to verify it.

MrSinatra;309428 Wrote: 
> i can't stress enough how important i think that is.  if slim wants
> people to buy into "their way" of doing things, imo, they need to meet
> the average user more than halfway.
I completely agree with you regarding this, I'm just not sure that the
VA logic is an important part for average users. I do understand that
it is an important part in libraries that looks like your, but I
suspect your library has a lot more artists tagged on your albums than
the library of an average user.


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
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