hi all...

reviving another old thread b/c the bug its about is due to be
discussed at the next bug meeting.


first, lets get back on track.

the question posed by this thread is: "Is the VA detection logic

i don't see how anyone could argue that it is NECESSARY.  at best, its
a convienence, at worst, a non-optional pita; but there is no reason to
force it as a necessity on everyone.  everyone does NOT need it, want
it, or benefit from it.  i certainly don't.

there is no question that it is also imperfect and not fullproof.  and
its also important to note that its an unexpected "feature" ...as i
know of no other apps that have anything similar.

erland has submitted a patch to allow users to turn this off.  i see no
reason not to put it in (assuming the code is solid, and erland knows

the world didn't end when bug 8001 got implemented, and it solved a lot
of issues for me and many other barbarians like me who have tags not by
user design, but by mainstream app design.  the issue is not a spec
issue per se, but rather an issue of recognizing realities in the

this option would further do that.  if it were available to me, i would
turn it off right now.  at that point i could:

1. live with the consequences of SC not knowing such and such was a

discussed here:


2. use some app or another to tag whatever albums i want as comps.  (i
would do this if i thought there was reason i wanted the album
identified as a comp to SC)  whats good about this, is i'd only have to
tag those few albums i'd want tagged.  also, as i added new ripped
albums, i'd only need to worry about this for those few new ones i
thought needed it.

all that is definitely better than trying to figure out and undo what
SC got wrong.

3. suggest a new way for SC to "auto-detect" VA / comp albums.  i
really think the current VA logic is silly (from a design POV), altho i
admit it works good for some people (in their estimations).  however,
what if we used new or different logic for the feature?

what if a user could define certain strings found in certain tag fields
as being indicative of being a compilation?

for instance, what if upon scan SC found "Various Artists" in a tag,
and the user had identified that string to indicate its a comp?  the
benefit of such a system is it would be foolproof.  the user could
define the string and the string would ID the comp.  


anyway, if we can enact bug 8001, i see no reason not to enact this bug
as well.


Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.1beta - Win XP
Pro SP3 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655
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