Yeah it's clear to me that you use the Touch as a remote and not a
player. Sometimes I use my HTC Touch as a remote to control the Mac or
the PC with Salling Clicker and sometimes I use it to stream audio from
my Mac or PC to the phone and listen to it with headphones. I can't
stream flac though. Not enough bandwidth on the HTC touch wifi. And the
HTC Touch on wifi gives me like 1 hour of battery lol.

Anyway I wake up today to see my SO listening to music on the balcony
from the squeezebox to a pair of HD600. Since I like to sleep in she
tries to spare me from a musical barrage. The squeezebox was connected
to the slimserver on the Mac and she was listening through her iTunes
collection while basking in the sun (what little sun we get here in

So I go to the Mac, start Softsqueeze and Airfoil and let it connect to
the Airport Express which is connected to the hometheater system and
hand her the Duet remote.

"Here ya go. Connect to a player. Now you can choose "Listening Corner"
or "iMac" or "PC". If you connect to iMac then you can stay on the
balcony with the remote and listen to music through the speakers since
the remote "is controlling softsqueeze now". She pauses for a second
and then goes "Oooooh.... damn that's cool!". So I say "yup, now you
don't have to try pointing to your iMac with your remote from across
the living room and you don't have to cry about not being able to
install Salling on your Prada phone".

I was thinking of buying just any crappy phone for that purpose but now
it's solved with the duet remote. Also you can tell slimserver to scan
iTunes AND a folder. Now I just have to see if Softsqueeze on OS X can
playback FLAC. Or we just stick to ALAC on the iMac.

The squeezebox I use is connected to a headphone amp (X-CANV8) in a
listening corner in the living room with a pair of HD600 and AKG701.

There are some cool features in Salling though, like pausing playback
when somebody phones me, shutting down the computer, etc...

The only thing separating us men from boys is the price of our toys.

As for my SO... she's been a Mac fan since day one. iTunes, iPod, iMac,
iBook (lol), you name it. I don't see myself convincing her to stop
using iTunes lol. But I did show her what ALAC is the other day. And
FLAC, and I prefer PC and Foobar but I work with Macs 90% of
the time. Ah, the irony.

Random Access
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