Since I started this discussion, I'd like to share my takeaways

1. CFInput is more about convenience than about security
2. ValidateAt="Server" does not increase security whatsoever (this was an eye 
opener for me, I must admit)
3. Best practices are a guideline, a goal to work toward, and not an absolute 
must-have, pass/fail.
4. It is ok to pick and choose from best practices recommendations based on 
your specific situation.

I really appreciate everybody's thought on this.

: Sure, but I've got to ask: is that a concession to my point? :-) 

: (that not every app that uses CFINPUT validation would be harmed if some
: bastard removed it?)

: This isn't about me winning an argument, by the way. It's just that I can't
: tell if you're letting it go because you think I can't be convinced (or
: don't want to belabor the point), or because now that my point is clear, you
: see it's not so loopy after all. :-)

: If you'd say it's the former, fair enough, and don't feel compelled to make
: the point. I'm sure you've plenty busy, and others may feel that the two
: sides have been represented. 

: This was just another of my counters to the assertion that some
: less-than-perfect features in CF need to be abandoned by all (CFFORM being
: among those often named). I just say, that's just not so for everyone. We
: just need to understand its limitations, and for that I do thank you and
: others for keeping us in mind of that.

: /charlie

: -----Original Message-----
: From: [] On Behalf Of Dean H. Saxe
: Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 11:23 AM
: To:
: Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] over-stating security concerns? (was RE:
: ValidateAt parameter is effectively only client side )

: Of course there is no disrespect Charlie.  I think we all need a big  
: group hug. ;-)

: Dean H. Saxe, CISSP, CEH

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---------- Original Message ----------

FROM:      "Charlie Arehart" <>
TO:        <>
DATE:      Wed, 11 Mar 2009 11:52:17 -0400

SUBJECT:   RE: [ACFUG Discuss] over-stating security concerns? (was RE: 
ValidateAt parameter is effectively only client side )

Sure, but I've got to ask: is that a concession to my point? :-) 

(that not every app that uses CFINPUT validation would be harmed if some
bastard removed it?)

This isn't about me winning an argument, by the way. It's just that I can't
tell if you're letting it go because you think I can't be convinced (or
don't want to belabor the point), or because now that my point is clear, you
see it's not so loopy after all. :-)

If you'd say it's the former, fair enough, and don't feel compelled to make
the point. I'm sure you've plenty busy, and others may feel that the two
sides have been represented. 

This was just another of my counters to the assertion that some
less-than-perfect features in CF need to be abandoned by all (CFFORM being
among those often named). I just say, that's just not so for everyone. We
just need to understand its limitations, and for that I do thank you and
others for keeping us in mind of that.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Dean H. Saxe
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] over-stating security concerns? (was RE:
ValidateAt parameter is effectively only client side )

Of course there is no disrespect Charlie.  I think we all need a big  
group hug. ;-)

Dean H. Saxe, CISSP, CEH

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