Elad Efrat wrote:
Gábor Szabó wrote:

Taking a few random files with some random sampling,
that is to say using some meaningless numbers
I would say  there are 3-7 words in every message in English.

3*40.000*0.80*76/250 = 29.184 + VAT
7*40.000*0.80*76/250 = 68.096 + VAT

OK, let's say under 100.000 NIS

This is meaningless. You are missing the point of translation.

During the translation, one might stumble upon words with no previous
translation, in which case there are two options: invent a new word
or do a 1:1 translation.

I'd like to see the first happen, with proper discussion in the
Technical translators are immensely more qualified to that than the majority of the people on the lists.

Please don't translate terms you are not familiar with. Please
don't use ANY words from the Hebrew academy. They suck.
Frankly, I doubt you know anything about the Hebrew Language Academy besides its name.

In other words: how do you translate "TCP/IP stack"? how do you
translate "stack frame"? how do you translate "stack size"? how
do you translate "data size"?

Can anyone point to specific applications that might be interesting
to be translated/localized in the ISOC project?

Obviously, all of KDE. If you have the money, the Gnome too.



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