I have a dual processor opteron server located in a Tier 1 internet site at manchester university.

We could probably use this, I currently have it set up to serve VPS's  specific to Django and would be willing to use it also for this purpose.

----- Original Message ----
From: Marc Fargas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: django-users@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 9, 2006 1:01:22 PM
Subject: Re: How about a Django apps public repository?

On 9/8/06, Jeff Forcier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, I would imagine that many other Djangonauts have their own
cheapish hosting that they use for personal websites or other projects,
which are more than capable of handling Trac. I mean, I can't be the
only person who already has a $40/mo VPS with a ton of bandwidth
available, right?

You're not alone! I also have a server out there which currently only handles a mailling list... (the HD broke down and hadn't had time /willing to upload my site again, I'm watting for a nice blog app for django for that.. hehehe)...

Unless the Django community is a lot bigger than I think it is, or my
estimates of the processing power needed to host a Trac site are way
off (both quite possible, of course) I'd wager I could host such a
system on my own resources, and I'd also wager there are folks out
there with more such resources available.

Maybe the community is big, but sure there are not "too many" contributions to kill a server ;)  Maybe the biggest issue is to automattically create trac's and subversion repositories but it shouldn't be too hard. So if there is a common willing of getting this up we can go over it! And with two servers at least we can do backups ;))

Not everything has to be 100% free as in beer :)

Maybe someday... someday near 2111011.

By the way, to the djangoproject.com DNS admin, would it be possible to get a CNAME for contrib.djangoproject.com ? ;oP
or djangofans.com ...... hehe.

The question: Who would really like, and activelly support that initiative? (having a repository of un-official templatetags, filters, patches and applications)

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