Hi :)
Wow, that was all very interesting.

To me the word "handbook" suggests a reasonably comprehensive book that
covers most simple cases and/or maybe look-up tables or "cheat sheets" to
nudge me in the right direction without going into anything in tooo much
depth.  For the greater depth i'd expect something heftier, a manual or
something like that.

I hadn't thought about how translation to and from German might change
nuances and implications such as that.  That changes quite a lot of things

Taking screen-shots is more like part of a final review process.  I don't
think it's something a new proof-reader is likely to be able to do.  I
suspect it's better to do them after a proper review so that the person
taking the screen-shots isn't distracted by other issues and can
batch-process them to make sure they are all consistent.

As far as taking screen-shots goes, it is a little more painful and less
obvious in Windows but that is not really the issue.  The main problem is
that MS sometimes choose to clobber people who disregard their Eula and
stuff but most of the time they seem to let it slide.  However it might be
worth bearing in mind that MS Office is a significant part of their profits
and anything that helps anyone reduce their profits could easily be seen as
a threat by them.  It's not even as though LO helps MS gain greater market
share (an alleged reason why so many pirated versions of their stuff is up
for grabs in so many countries).

Apple might also choose to clobber us for screen-shots and allegedly they
have a reputation for being quite heavy handed - however LO does not
threaten a core income stream of their's.  It may even be helping them look
more viable in the markets they seem to be aiming for at the moment.  So i
can't really imagine them doing it unless we make their icons look bad or
some other bit of bad design.

To take a screen-shot in Gnu&Linux;
1.  press the PrintScreen button on your keyboard
2.  click on save or press enter.

To take a screen-shot in Windows
1.  press the PrintScreen button on your keyboard (that copies the image
into the clipboard)
2.  open some program such as Word or an image editing program or something
3.  do Ctrl V or Edit - Paste
4.  go to File - Save
5.  create a name for the file
6.  choose where to save it
7.  click on save or press enter.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 9 September 2014 17:24, Robinson Tryon <bishop.robin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Alan Cook <alanc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The reason that there's both a Guide and a Handbook is that the German
> > documentation team got tired of waiting around for the English team to
> > finish the Base Guide, so they took the draft chapters, translated them,
> > finished the book, and published it as the Base-Handbuch. That document
> was
> > then translated back into English as the Base Handbook.
> Why the difference in name? Is the Handbook written in a different
> style than our other guides?
> > Contrary to what Tom D. indicated, the Handbook is /not/ shorter or less
> > thorough than the Guide. Each is intended to be a complete and
> comprehensive
> > user manual; the difference is that the Handbook is finished (although
> not
> > up-to-date in English.) The current German version of the Handbook has
> 448
> > pages in 11 chapters; the plan for the Guide includes 10 chapters, of
> which
> > only 3 are complete.
> Hmm... if they're roughly the same type of manual, then perhaps
> name/content harmonization would help avoid confusion. (Apologies if
> there's already been a conversation on this matter; please feel free
> to point me at it)
> >...Moreover, this needs to be done by someone who's
> > running Base on Linux. For reasons I don't understand, screen captures
> don't
> > always work correctly when done using Windows, and Windows is what I'm
> > running.
> IIRC, most projects take screenshots in GNU/Linux for
> 1) Consistency
> 2) Avoiding any question about including screenshots of a proprietary WM
> Best,
> --R
> --
> Robinson Tryon
> QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
> LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
> qu...@libreoffice.org

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