--Gee, Scott, you are never gunna let me live that "Doobopoly" game down are ya????
(for those of you who are new, we got bored on the list one day and I made up this 
game after Monopoly.  All the game pieces were Doobie Brothers and all the places on 
the game board were named after places in Doobie songs.)  Yah, I'm just waiting to buy 
Toulouse Street so I can trade my house in for a hotel.
Welcome to the club, George Schmitz!  It is an honor to have you...And pay no 
attention to that Glenn Guy!  Glenn, you will get yours in LA, honey. Big Mike's gunna 
whoop you up if you don't behave!!!hee hee. 
George Farago and Ms. Janet Rose, you are both wonderful people and part of the Doobie 
spirit that makes this club special.  Thanks for your blood-letting donation this 
Gina "Cinderella" Dorman

On Tue, 20 Mar 2001 13:24:34  
 Scott Chapman wrote:
>Hi Jim,
>I'm Scott Chapman, married male, and live in Boca Raton, Florida. I work at a golf 
>resort as a golf starter. I used to be a chef, but got burned out (mentally!). I've 
>been a Doobies fan since 1975, been in the fan club over a year, I think...I'm bad 
>with dates. It's a good thing for me we got married on my birthday. Hopefully I'll 
>never forget our anniversary! 
>Gina, I thought you lived in a Dooboploy house?
>Scooter ...if you spend all your money on tires, how are you going pay for gas?
>Enjoyin' the Ride,
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 9:03 PM
>  Subject: Who are the fan club members?
>  Hello all!  I hope everyone enjoyed the chat with Pat Simmons last night.  I 
>  know Wanda and I did.  This event brought something to mind.  I don't know 
>  anything about the people I talked with last night, even though I consider 
>  you all my friends.  Have we ever done a project where everyone submits 
>  information about themselves so newcomers like myself can get to know the 
>  rest of the members?  Heck, I don't even know whether you are men or women!   
>  How about all of us sending an e-mail with our real names, sex, age, where we 
>  live, what we do for a living, married or single (or want to be!) etc?  What 
>  is the consensus?  Maybe this information exists somewhere already.  If so, 
>  where?  Thanks for listening! 
>  Jim Adkins 

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