
My name’s Richard and I’m 47 years old. Been on this list for a couple of 
years now and I’m a bit outspoken sometimes. Twice divorced, with a teenage 
son from the first marriage. I work as a forklift truck driver in a 
furniture warehouse and I’m in the mid-west somewhere. Got into the Doobies 
in the early 70’s ,  yadda, yadda……

Now for the real stuff. All that above is fiction. My screen-name RPMoseley 
really stands for Rosie Pig Moseley (check your Doobies Radio Shows guys!), 
but you can’t have an obnoxious guy called Rosie now, can you?

So who am I really? Doesn’t matter, but the reason I occasionally post is to 
steer things back on course sometimes, or STIR THINGS UP when it’s getting 
slow or boring. Laurin is a great diplomat (and knows me very well, but 
doesn’t – if you know what I mean!) – I’m not a diplomat, but to see folk 
rally round when I or someone else posts something controversial is really 
very interesting.

Incidentally, did you know that when I do post something controversial I get 
MORE personal replies agreeing with me than not! (sorry about the Blood 
Drive thing, Laurin).  Must be that most folk are just too nice to say 
anything against anyone or anything on the list serve!  So that sorta 
validates my “existence” doesn’t it? No?  okay then.

Anyway, why am I telling you all of this? Because it’s time to bow out and 
put Mr (Mrs?) Moseley to rest. Just remember, we all love the Doobies’ 
music, not necessarily any/all the causes that individuals in the band hold 
close to their heart.  We should not be sycophantic, but don’t be afraid to 
speak out if you don’t agree with suggestions put forward by members of this 
club. Just do it nicely, because we ALL are nice people!

Sibling Rivalry – just as valid amongst the fans as well!

See you at a show sometime this summer.


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