
I've got something going on that I don't under stand (this is normal I hear 
you saying).

I'm trying to test my Raspberry Pi VPN Server which is currently installed in 
my workroom.  It has Internet access on one side via my Home Router and access 
to my Pi network on the other.  I have successfully tested this setup from 
inside my home network using the IP Address of the server in the Cert 
settings, so I know the system basically works.

So now I need to test it from outside my home network and to do this I have 
set up my Android phone as a hotspot and connected my Kubuntu laptop to it.  
Unfortunately, I can't get the connection to work (I have changed the settings 
to point at my Home Router's WAN address instead of the servers IP Address on 
the home network.

When I connect to the hotspot I can:
1.  Browse the web.

2. Read back my public IP Address by typing what is my IP Address in Google.

3. Ping

However, I can't ping my Home Router's WAN address.  if I disable the hotspot, 
I can ping it successfully from my Android phone.

What am I missing here?  As far as I can see there is nothing in the Router's 
config to make it reject ping requests (or connections) from certain sources, 
although it perhaps does that by default and I'm chasing the wrong issue.


                Terry Coles

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