On Sat, 20 Jun 2020 10:53:14 +0100, Terry Coles wrote:
> I'm trying to test my Raspberry Pi VPN Server which is currently
> installed in my workroom.  It has Internet access on one side via
> my Home Router and access to my Pi network on the other.  I have
> successfully tested this setup from inside my home network using
> the IP Address of the server in the Cert settings, so I know the
> system basically works.

Could you elaborate on what you mean by the Cert settings? Is that 
something to do with the VPN software? Which VPN software did you end 
up choosing anyway?! I don't remember you saying. :)

> However, I can't ping my Home Router's WAN address.  if I disable
> the hotspot, I can ping it successfully from my Android phone.

I've heard of mobile networks faking ping responses for whatever 
reason. Maybe in hotspot mode it disables that "feature", or enables 
one that blocks all pings. Either way, I wouldn't trust the mobile 
network not to be tricking you with regard to pings.

Personally my next step would be to temporarily stick some relatively 
easy-to-configure server of some kind online via the home router. E.g. 
a web server serving a unique web page, and then try to connect to 
that via the phone hotspot. That would at least prove whether you can 
connect to the home router from the Hotspot, which seems to be your 
aim with pinging it.


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