On Sat, 20 Jun 2020 15:21:40 +0100, Terry Coles wrote:
> > Personally my next step would be to temporarily stick some
> > relatively easy-to-configure server of some kind online via the
> > home router. E.g. a web server serving a unique web page, and
> > then try to connect to that via the phone hotspot. That would at
> > least prove whether you can connect to the home router from the
> > Hotspot, which seems to be your aim with pinging it.
> I could try that, although I could end up doing a lot of work only
> to learn that there's nothing wrong.  I already have the Pi running
> the VPN Server and nginx, but the webserver is only accessible from
> the internal (private) network.
> What's the minimum needed to get something up on the Internet that
> would respond to a query of some kind?  I've looked at various
> Tutorials and they all seem to be a fair bit of work.  I have
> another Pi which could be used in place of the one running the two
> servers, so is there something quick and dirty just to do this
> test?

You could use Python 3's http.server module, which you probably 
already have installed.


        $ python -m http.server 8000

will serve the contents of the current directory. It runs in the 
foreground until you exit from it.

It's documented here:

So, e.g.

        $ mkdir httptest
        $ cd httptest
        $ echo "Some somewhat unique text" > file.txt
        $ python -m http.server 8000

Obviously you can use a different port if it's more convenient.

If `python` points to Python 2 rather than Python 3, then you may need 
to do

        $ python3 -m http.server 8000

instead. Alternatively, the python 2 equivalent is

        $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000


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