On Saturday, 20 June 2020 13:49:10 BST Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
> The only thing I know related to this is that Android devices sometimes
> have a bug where you have to run a shell command on them to get
> tethering working (I did on mine), but clearly that's not the problem
> you're having seeing as general internet access is working.

I don't have a problem with normal internetty things.

> Ignoring the ping, can you connect to the VPN server through the router?

How would I do that?  At the moment, I have no certainty that the generation 
of the Cert pack is working correctly and the WAN Address of the Home Router 
is wrapped up in that.  I have set up Port Forwarding on the Router with the 
specified ports but nothing shows up in the log when I try to connect.

However.  I have seen entries being forwarded to the VPN Server's IP Address 
when I wasn't actually trying to connect.  I'm assuming that they came from 
some kind of port scanner that knows which ports to look out for.  It wouldn't 
have done them any good, because the server wasn't running at the time.


                Terry Coles

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