Am Mittwoch, 2. Oktober 2002 18:03 schrieb Andy Dustman:
> On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 10:57, José Fonseca wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 09:40:20AM -0400, Andy Dustman wrote:
> > >Can anyone put together a list of what libraries must be upgraded? The
> > >GL directory in the dripkg is empty in all the old snapshots; I suspect
> > >that's a Bad Thing.
> >
> > Not really. In the beggining of the snapshots prodcution it was decided
> > to only include the device-dependent files (at least in theory, since
> > there have been some unexpected exceptions).
> Perhaps we need to produce binary snapshots for each driver that
> includes only the device-specific stuff (kinda like what does
> now) and then have a separate snapshot for the libraries (particularly
> the GL libraries) which you unpack over the driver snapshot, i.e. if you
> have an r200 on linux-i386, you'd get r200-20021003-linux-i386.tar.bz2
> and libs-20021003-linux-i386.tar.bz2; untar the r200 tarball, then the
> libs tarball; and then proceed to install as usual. (I don't see
> anything in that looks like it
> might be extra libraries.)

I think NOT.

The snapshots are an additional service to have a wider basis for testing.
Endusers should stay with there distros (they are for packaging all the stuff 
for the different architectures) and if they are not experienced to compile 
the current XFree/DRI CVS trees themself they should stay away.

Dieter Nützel
Graduate Student, Computer Science

University of Hamburg
Department of Computer Science
@home: Dieter.Nuetzel at (replace at with @)

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