
Writing here is leg work. I do not understand you. The owners are on these 
places and I have been to web site after web site. Still no help. However the 
owner of the one in my area has contacted me and has helped me a little and has 
offered more help.
I kind of thought these forums were for the exact reason that I used it. Sorry 
if it offend you. Some of us have some limitations. So with that said. I think 
I am on the way to getting some things fixed so to speak thanks to the owner of 
the D-Star Reflector. He was not surprised that I could not get to it but has 
made some great suggestions.

That map.. Well my opinion I will not write. I have used it for a long time and 
it does not impress me at all .. About like the APRS map. I would think some 
things (with the technology out there) would be better. That is my opinion. You 
may love it and that great. Like I said I have I believe answers that have me 
on my way to bigger and better things.


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