> WE are satisfied that you have performed "due diligence" and WE are
> satisfied that "Costa" has provided ENOUGH identification and WE would
> like you to release OUR gold ... but WE aren't running the show, are WE ?

So, are you an owner of Costa Gold?

end quote****************

NO .. NOT one of the owners.

I am one single person who has CHOSEN to PLAY the GAME that Cost Gold
offered to me.  Yes, I am VERY aware that the ROIs (return on
investment)ARE outrageous .. but, I DON'T CARE ! ! !

How does ANYone get the right to tell ME how to spend MY funds ?  Why
should YOU care ? Why do you feel that I NEED protecting, from myself ?

If SOME people had THEIR way I would NOT be allowed to go into ANY
gambling hall because the "odds" are against me ... and I would NOT be
allowed to drink, because I would eventually get high .. and I would NOT
be allowed to smoke, because it would make my clothes stink .. and I would
NOT be allowed SEX, because there IS a danger of sexually transmitted
disease ... DAMN, would YOU folks please quit telling ME what is "for my
own good" ?

I don't give a FLIP whether 100000% ROI is POSSIBLE or NOT ... don't YOU
get the picture ? ..  I have money to burn and DON'T need YOU to tell ME
how to light the fire ... thanks for your concern tho'.

Now, going back to the quote above,  the "WE" that is mentioned, over and
over there, is the "WE" that KNOW that Costa is a GAME ... NOT A
RETIREMENT FUND .. "WE" want YOU to let us have OUR entertainment and you
can do whatever it is YOU do for entertainment ....

"WE" joined, and contributed, to Costa just like the players at ANY gaming
hall does (bingo, Lotto, etc ?) ... we KNOW the risk and are willing to
accept them (even tho' YOU aren't) .. if YOU don't like the game, DON'T
play .... "WE" would like our table stakes back so that we can get on with
the deal .. is that TOO much to ask ?

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
Gaming is the sparkle ... in our twilight years

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