Question:  I have not been following this line of discussion so forgive me
if I am showing my ignorance, or asking a repetitive question.  

This site, that involves 'GAMING'; does it have a license from any
jurisdiction?  If it had no license, does it have a fixed place of business?

On Sat, 17 Feb 2001 08:35:31 -0500, LaMarr Dell wrote:

>  Hi, would some one please MAKE SURE that the person who uses the
>  "Viking Coder" takes a look at this web url, below ?
>  This "Coder" person (who won't reveal identity) makes quick judgements as
>  to whether (or not) a site is "legal" .. or, in "its" (don't know if "he"
>  or "she") opinion is a SCAM ... here's what "Viking" said:
>  quote:
>  Game sites are different than scam sites. I am fully supportive of
>  gambling sites, as long as they sell it as gambling. Once they begin to
>  call it HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) or any form of "investment
>  opportunity", it becomes a scam. It is a scam because they claim to
>  guarantee the payouts. Have you ever been to a legitimate casino that
>  guarantees a significant payout on every bet made?
>  end quote********************
>  Now, just to set the record straight, please, ALL of you (but especially
>  "Viking Coder") go to this url and check out the CLAIM as to what is
>  offered .
>  And, next time (before you drag out the hangman for a midnight stint)
>  check out YOUR facts before YOU go ranting and raving about who YOU don't
>  want using your precious e-gold.
>  **************************************************
>  I find that "Costa" is VERY "up front" with information about how THEY
>  work and what one may expect from them .. the fact that I don't know the
>  owners by name doesn't bother me one bit.  I don't know the owners of
>  one tenth of the stores that I "shop" here in town.
>  Most folks, these days, don't bother to do a lot of research into things
>  so it's easy to fall into the trap of repeating the last witty sound that
>  we heard.  THAT is the reason that I'm posting the Costa site url .. so
>  that ALL of you can take just TWO MINUTES and see, for yourself, the
>  as to WHAT "Costa" is all about ...
>  All of us are different. Different tastes in food and different tastes in
>  "entertainment".  Some of you surf the porn sites for "entertainment",
>  some of you surf the "chat rooms" for entertainment .. some of us play
>  "game" sites.  Perhaps YOU would NOT put YOUR money into "Costa" .. but,
>  just because YOU don't like it, should I be cut off from it also?
>  Where does it all end?  Who gets the FINAL say about WHICH sites stay on
>  the inet and which get tossed out? In the end, doing it THIS way, the
>  will have a handful of sites for you to go to and they MAY not touch on
>  YOUR interests at all ... personally, I DO NOT like the "hangman" justice
>  of "Viking Coder" and hope that "it" NEVER gets in a position to have ANY
>  say over who "goes" and who "stays".
>  Personally, I've got several thousand tied up in this "frozen asset" GOD
>  play of OMNIPAY/EGOLD/G$SR, whoever, .. and MY payout is being held up by
>  "them", whoever .. yes, I'm a "winner", but "they" have MY PAYDAY funds.
>  I have seen the documents (posted on the Costa site) that Costa sent to
>  e-gold as "proof of identity" .. and I'M satisfied ... If egold would
>  release the funds to the LAWYER that presented those documents I could
>  paid ..
>  Who, really NEEDS "satisfaction" at this point?  Costa, is an
>   E-gold, is an agent.  The "escrow" folks, are agents.  Isn't it the
>  Ltd./players of the Costa game ?
>  We had some postings here as to why e-gold uses an offshore IBC (to
>  seperate the "real people" from the "business"), doesn't this apply to
>  Costa just as well ?  Why can't the lawyer for the COMPANY get the funds?
>  E-gold, whoever, wants the PEOPLE also, WHY ?
>   We (the players) were satisfied with our agent, Costa, enough to buy
>  tickets to the game .. and we TRUST OUR AGENT, Costa, to make the
>   Once distribution of the funds is completed we will find that MOST of it
>  goes to the "players", but some of it stays with Costa.... it's right
>  there on the site folks, the WHOLE explaination is there.
>  Now, again, back to WHOMEVER is making this decision to HOLD the funds
>  that belong to others, what is your TRUE agenda? WHY aren't YOU satisfied
>  when the rightful owner is ?  How much do you plan to KEEP FOR YOURSELF
>  "FEES" ?  Do you see this as an OPPORTUNITY FOR INCOME for YOURSELF ? Do
>  you feel that you can do this, over and over, and have ANOTHER SOURCE OF
>  INCOME for the e-gold/G&SR/OP kitty ?  Doesn't your collective conscience
>  bother you, even a LITTLE bit, for the THOUSANDS of Costa winners that
>  being made to wait for their "paydays" ?  Do you feel that you can "KILL"
>  Costa by holding these funds and making the players mad at COSTA (why
>  would we get mad at THEM for something YOU are doing)? Do you feel that
>  stopping the flow at Costa the players will feel that something is
>  with the game and NOT go back to it (should they start up again) ?
>  Truthfully, e-gold, aren't you REALLY trying to "kill" the Costa game ..?
>  Don't you have enough backbone to come out from behind YOUR veil of
>  secrecy and make a statement about your TRUE intentions or are you going
>  to CONTINUE your SNEAKY, BACK ALLEY type of political justice?  Playing
>  GOD over OTHER folks entertainment values and TAKING their money .. bully
>  them and ROB them.
>  And YOU want us all to use you in creating a "new" currency, for the
>  .. so that you can reshape the WORLD to YOUR version of "perfection".
>  LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
>  the bubble .. has broken
>  ---
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