Hi, would some one please MAKE SURE that the person who uses the pseudonym
"Viking Coder" takes a look at this web url, below ?

This "Coder" person (who won't reveal identity) makes quick judgements as
to whether (or not) a site is "legal" .. or, in "its" (don't know if "he"
or "she") opinion is a SCAM ... here's what "Viking" said:

Game sites are different than scam sites. I am fully supportive of
gambling sites, as long as they sell it as gambling. Once they begin to
call it HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) or any form of "investment
opportunity", it becomes a scam. It is a scam because they claim to
guarantee the payouts. Have you ever been to a legitimate casino that
guarantees a significant payout on every bet made?
end quote********************

Now, just to set the record straight, please, ALL of you (but especially
"Viking Coder") go to this url and check out the CLAIM as to what is
offered .

And, next time (before you drag out the hangman for a midnight stint)
check out YOUR facts before YOU go ranting and raving about who YOU don't
want using your precious e-gold.



I find that "Costa" is VERY "up front" with information about how THEY
work and what one may expect from them .. the fact that I don't know the
owners by name doesn't bother me one bit.  I don't know the owners of even
one tenth of the stores that I "shop" here in town.

Most folks, these days, don't bother to do a lot of research into things
so it's easy to fall into the trap of repeating the last witty sound that
we heard.  THAT is the reason that I'm posting the Costa site url .. so
that ALL of you can take just TWO MINUTES and see, for yourself, the truth
as to WHAT "Costa" is all about ...

All of us are different. Different tastes in food and different tastes in
"entertainment".  Some of you surf the porn sites for "entertainment",
some of you surf the "chat rooms" for entertainment .. some of us play the
"game" sites.  Perhaps YOU would NOT put YOUR money into "Costa" .. but,
just because YOU don't like it, should I be cut off from it also?

Where does it all end?  Who gets the FINAL say about WHICH sites stay on
the inet and which get tossed out? In the end, doing it THIS way, the inet
will have a handful of sites for you to go to and they MAY not touch on
YOUR interests at all ... personally, I DO NOT like the "hangman" justice
of "Viking Coder" and hope that "it" NEVER gets in a position to have ANY
say over who "goes" and who "stays".

Personally, I've got several thousand tied up in this "frozen asset" GOD
play of OMNIPAY/EGOLD/G$SR, whoever, .. and MY payout is being held up by
"them", whoever .. yes, I'm a "winner", but "they" have MY PAYDAY funds.

I have seen the documents (posted on the Costa site) that Costa sent to
e-gold as "proof of identity" .. and I'M satisfied ... If egold would
release the funds to the LAWYER that presented those documents I could get
paid ..

Who, really NEEDS "satisfaction" at this point?  Costa, is an agent/owner.
 E-gold, is an agent.  The "escrow" folks, are agents.  Isn't it the
Ltd./players of the Costa game ?

We had some postings here as to why e-gold uses an offshore IBC (to
seperate the "real people" from the "business"), doesn't this apply to
Costa just as well ?  Why can't the lawyer for the COMPANY get the funds?
E-gold, whoever, wants the PEOPLE also, WHY ?

 We (the players) were satisfied with our agent, Costa, enough to buy
tickets to the game .. and we TRUST OUR AGENT, Costa, to make the payouts.
 Once distribution of the funds is completed we will find that MOST of it
goes to the "players", but some of it stays with Costa.... it's right
there on the site folks, the WHOLE explaination is there.

Now, again, back to WHOMEVER is making this decision to HOLD the funds
that belong to others, what is your TRUE agenda? WHY aren't YOU satisfied
when the rightful owner is ?  How much do you plan to KEEP FOR YOURSELF in
"FEES" ?  Do you see this as an OPPORTUNITY FOR INCOME for YOURSELF ? Do
you feel that you can do this, over and over, and have ANOTHER SOURCE OF
INCOME for the e-gold/G&SR/OP kitty ?  Doesn't your collective conscience
bother you, even a LITTLE bit, for the THOUSANDS of Costa winners that are
being made to wait for their "paydays" ?  Do you feel that you can "KILL"
Costa by holding these funds and making the players mad at COSTA (why
would we get mad at THEM for something YOU are doing)? Do you feel that by
stopping the flow at Costa the players will feel that something is "wrong"
with the game and NOT go back to it (should they start up again) ?

Truthfully, e-gold, aren't you REALLY trying to "kill" the Costa game ..?
Don't you have enough backbone to come out from behind YOUR veil of
secrecy and make a statement about your TRUE intentions or are you going
to CONTINUE your SNEAKY, BACK ALLEY type of political justice?  Playing
GOD over OTHER folks entertainment values and TAKING their money .. bully
them and ROB them.

And YOU want us all to use you in creating a "new" currency, for the world
.. so that you can reshape the WORLD to YOUR version of "perfection".

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
the bubble .. has broken

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