>Unfree Americans may be wealthier than serfs but it does not follow that
>the wealth is a consequence of our lack of freedom.  Do you really think
>that slavery produces wealth?

I never said that wealth is a consequence of "our" lack of freedom. (I
say "our" because freedom is really a state of mind; you can achieve it
yourself if you seriously want to). If you had read what I wrote
carefully, I said: "people are willing to give up more freedom, if it
means they can be more wealthy".

In other words, people who can have what people in the 16th, 17th, etc
and even the beginning of the 20th century didn't have, are willing to
give away more of their freedom for it. For example, cars. Around 200
years ago, there were no cars in the sense we know them today. Now,
everyone and their brother has a car. They all have a slave plate on
them. The average Joe American doesn't really care about his freedom,
when it comes down to matters of convenience.


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