> Actually, Julian, in real life there are always criminals and sluggards no
> matter how harsh the punishments against it or how great the incentives
> to be.  The US legal system throws criminals in jail.  They used to have
> work in chain gangs.  That was slavery.

They still do. Have you been through the south (USA) lately? Chain gangs are
back although with a little "public outrage". Most people around here don't
really care because it's too hot to work too much anyway. The prisoners just
trudge around and complain about their rights and the uncomfortable chains
and the heat.

If that's not enough you have to pay to be in jail. You pay for food,
medical expenses, and room and board. It's only around $5.00/day not
including candy bars & medicine. If you don't have cash they bill you and
you pay your probation officer weekly or monthly when you get out.

Is this slavery?


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