
> If you had read what I wrote carefully, I said: "people are willing 
> to give up more freedom, if it means they can be more wealthy".
> In other words, people who can have what people in the 16th, 17th, etc
> and even the beginning of the 20th century didn't have, are willing to
> give away more of their freedom for it.

Clearly, I read what you wrote perfectly well.  When you say "willing
to give away more of their freedom for it" you imply that giving away
their freedom results in "it" (cars etc.).

I asked if you really believe that.  Do you?

> They all have a slave plate on them. The average Joe American 
> doesn't really care about his freedom, when it comes down to matters 
> of convenience.
I am sure you are right that "Joe" doesn't care about freedom.  But
the remainder of your sentence takes for granted that unfreedom IS

Do you really believe that?

If you meant to say that "Joe" believes that slavery produces
wealth and that unfreedom is convenient and acts on that false 
belief then that is what you should have said.  I would agree with 
that.  But instead you asserted that these falsehoods are true.


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