Give an idealist half a chance and he'll ruin everything. In other words,
enthusiasm is no substitute for know-how. And this is meant as a point to
ponder for everyone that endorses one 'innovation' or another.

Sure, i can guard a couple of hundred bars on my ranch, although the
smelting and remaking of the bar sizes sure is a bitch in the evenings.
Alas, My ranch is guarded by a teepee village of volunteers and our
satelite links allow us to run any exchange we want and we all do it for
the betterment of mankind. Trouble is, mankind doesn't use our exchange
because the large scale producers of all raw materials have huge dollar
denominated debts and need dollars to service those.
Well and the producers of items that use the stuff we trade are getting
dollars from their wholesalers, because they can only get dollars from the
retailers who have aproblem to convince their consuming clients to pay in
something else.

Many an idealistic plan [even if it wasn't a scam] won't work coz the
planning idealists didn't consider the logistics and macroeconomic
implications of their ideas ("we are enlightened, we don't need no darn
logistics"). Sure, just like DBourse, it works on a small scale.

But who are we kidding here? Imagine someone comes around with
$250,000,000 to buy e-gold to pay for a months shipment of whatever
commodity? Oops, did you say 250 Millions? Imagine what it would do the
price of e-gold?
e-gold itself would suddenly looses it's strings to the spot market and
skyrocket because there wouldn't be enough to go around. Now imagine what
would happen to e-gold the business? They get $0.50 to facilitate multi
million dollar transactions and at the end of each transaction the gold
disappears to 1MDC and there ain't no revenue from storage fees either...

What I'm trying to say here is: 
Just because it works in theory, doesn't mean it will work in real life.
Just because something works on a small scale, doesn't mean that it would
stand a chance on a global scale (or even national, naw regional, for that
matter) without some very thought-through preparations and supporting
logistics, failsafes, etc. in place.

The whole commodity trading only works because it's always the same people
who will take delivery on futures contracts (and to put things into
perspective: global commodity trade exceeds $42,000,000,000,000 on an
average trading day)


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