At 1:50 PM +0300 6/23/03, Danny Van den Berghe wrote:
>Well, I looked up some more information and there is a small commission
>0.02% per month, which covers everything, storage and management of the

Ah, much better (though their redemption policy is still irrational --
ANYONE will tell you that 400oz is the standard size of bar, and it's
a nice hunk of metal. No need to redeem more, especially if you
want to be trusted, IMO.

>Some of the fine print that may interest you:
>"The WGC Gold ETF will be listed on the NYSE once it has received final SEC
>approval. Each share will represent 1/10th of one ounce of gold, and at
>current gold prices, will trade at around $35. More important, each share
>will be backed by 1/10th of one ounce of physical gold, deposited with Hong
>Kong Shanghai Bank in London. The gold will be allocated which means that it
>cannot be lent to bullion dealers and/or used in the gold derivatives

Very-good! The "A-word" = a step on the way to trust (but see above
about redemptions).


(I'm not sure if e-gold's storage fees will stay the same for that long!) 
The e-gold storage fee is only 1% per year, not 1.2%.

Also, e-gold is just plain worth more because you can do things with
it that you can't do with this stuff BESIDES just being long gold. For 
similar reasons, ten tenth-oz coins are worth more than a 1oz. coin.

>I have opened brokerage accounts, futures trading accounts and even Swiss
>bank account all online just like you sign up for e-gold.
>And I am not even living in the US.

Interesting. I've always experienced delays/hassles when I tried
this kind of thing. 

>Don't believe me: will open you a brokerage account in
>Luxembourg, and you will be trading futures within a few

But I don't have the stomach for futures!

> and you have a swiss account without leaving your home
>(the US has tried to stop this one , but didn't succeed).


>It is really no problem at all.
>Moreover half of the US households have brokerage accounts already, and in
>Europe most people buy stocks via their regular bank, so a whole bunch of
>people can buy and sell the gold ETF as soon as it is launched, using
>companies they trust already.

And I hope they do. More demand for gold is a good thing.

>For more details about the new gold ETF, here are some articles with our
>good friends at kitco and gold-eagle:


PS In another list message, you said, "A company doesn't issue
new shares when it doesn't need the extra capital." I think that
was the entire Enron/WorldCom/Global-Crossing business plan,
though! :) Remember what I said, DBourse might just be about
TGC's making a *point* (or three!) along with making a profit! I
refer here to their unflattering-description of competing markets,
among other signs I've seen.

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