Date sent:              Fri, 16 Oct 1998 19:59:15 EDT
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Re: family size,etc.

> In a message dated 98-10-16 14:05:07 EDT, you write:
> << I agree, except to assert that those who want many children and 
>  choose to have them themselves rather than to adopt, be they 
>  hetero, homo, trans or bi, are being irresponsible and doing the rest 
>  of us a disservice.     Joe
>   >>
> Joe are you part of a big family?  Do you have brothers and sisters?  I am the
> youngest of three children - if my parents were told not to have more than 2
> children then I would not be born.  Would you be born if your parents were
> limited to 2 children?  
> Why are you talking as if anyone except heterosexuals can pro-create children?
> Is there some kind of new life creating process that I am not aware of?
I am one of two children.  I am against saving every egg and sperm 
and conjoining them to give them all the life experience.  The 
question can only be asked after the fact and not before (since 
there's no one there to answer), so it makes no sense to ask "how 
would you like it if you weren't."
        As to nonhetero reproduction, haven't you ever heard of 
sperm/egg donation, in vitro fertilization and surrogate motherhood?  
> Peace!
> Angela

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