In a message dated 98-10-16 12:57:01 EDT, you write:

<<   Some might decide never to have children, just as 
 some straight people might decide this.  Some of us might want many 
 children.  >>


Candi - I did not mean to sound biased - But - how can homosexuals DECIDE to
HAVE children?  Do you mean decide to adopt children?  Of course, families
come in different shapes and sizes and as I have said before "any love is good
love in my book."  However, they do not have to make a decision whether to
Pro-Create or not!  It is a different kind of decision - bring new people into
the world or adopt ones that are already here.  Pro-creating  is not even an
option for them - so therefore, discussing it is not relevant is what the post
was implying - However, the eco-crisis does affect them and overpopulation
effects the eco-crisis - therefore - the discussion does involve them.

Thanks and Peace!
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Oct 16 18:07:28 1998
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 19:59:15 EDT
Subject: Re: family size,etc.

In a message dated 98-10-16 14:05:07 EDT, you write:

<< I agree, except to assert that those who want many children and 
 choose to have them themselves rather than to adopt, be they 
 hetero, homo, trans or bi, are being irresponsible and doing the rest 
 of us a disservice.     Joe
Joe are you part of a big family?  Do you have brothers and sisters?  I am the
youngest of three children - if my parents were told not to have more than 2
children then I would not be born.  Would you be born if your parents were
limited to 2 children?  

Why are you talking as if anyone except heterosexuals can pro-create children?
Is there some kind of new life creating process that I am not aware of?

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Oct 16 18:08:15 1998
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 19:55:55 EDT
Subject: Re: family size,etc.

In a message dated 98-10-16 13:46:14 EDT, you write:

<< And a dying ecosystem is going to support the infrastructure for all 
 these good jobs for these teeming billions, I suppose!     Joe

Joe - The dying ecosystems are caused by the industrial revolution - caused by
our definition of PROGRESS!  This is not progress this is disgust!  We need to
redefine what the word PROGRESS means to us!  Also the word POWER needs to be
redefined - are we powerful as humans because we can pro-create or are we
powerful if we can make educated decisions not to pro-create if it would hurt
the greater good!  We need to redefine these words by incorporating what we
have learned through evolution!  We need new definitions and new perceptions!
A new world order where progress means . . .and power means . . .

progress means - progressing in harmony and reconnecting with nature whenever
we can to make things better!

power means - living to our fullest potential as powerful kindred spirits who
want what  is best for the Earth, the animals and each other as equals!


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