...well in my opinion that definition is not necessarily specist, unless you do not consider humans as animals, as they obviously are. James, would you please add some details to the problems with the part "interacting as a functional unit"?

Ecosystems (once spatially and temporally - and arbitrarily - defined) can be described in terms of structures and functions... can't they? I agree, as Ricklefs (2008) points out, that understanding ecological and evolutionary processes and mechanisms of comunities often requires a wider perspective at regional to global level, and not at the level of local assemblages, but this seems to me to be another question.

After all, it is perfectly feasible to observe ecological and evolutionary processes observing populations of bacteria in a relatively very limited space and time interval, treating a simple Petri dish as your "ecosystem".


Gianluca Polgar, PhD
Evolutionary ecologist
University of Malaya,
Institute of Biological Sciences
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Il 26/06/2010 19.49, James J Roper ha scritto:
Not only that, but if you have read Ricklefs 2008, the Disintegration of
the Ecological Community (Am. Nat 172:741 - DOI: 10.1086/593002), you
might even realize that THAT ecosystem definition leaves a lot to be
desired, especially the part "interacting as a functional unit."



Fabrice De Clerck wrote on 25-Jun-10 12:20:
Dear Friends,

An environmental economist colleague of mine is disappointed with the CBD 
definition of ecosystems which gives the impression that only pristine areas 
are ecosystems. Can anyone point us to a more recent definition of ecosystems 
that explicitly includes humans as an integral part of the definition?

Here is the original question:

The CBD defines ecosystems as a dynamic complex of plant, animal and 
micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a 
functional unit.

I find this boring, as it leaves us humans, as special animals, out of the 
picture. When you read it, it is easy to think of pristine environments. Has 
there been any reaction or correction of this definition? I need an 
authoritative quote that balances the CBD´s

All reactions welcome, and citations welcome!

Fabrice DeClerck PhD
Community and Landscape Ecologist
Division of Research and Development
CATIE 7170, Turrialba, Costa Rica 30501
(506) 2558-2596

Adjunct Research Scholar
Tropical Agriculture Programs
The Earth Institute at Columbia University

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