This has been brought up on here a couple of times (EDI via Internet vs Email vs
Web).  One of the big things that came is resources:

Most people do not want to buy something new - this is why new ways of
transmitting data has come about.

With EDI over the internet - what is required?  In order to get that warm and
fuzzy feeling about sending your data over the net - most software companies
will encrypt your documents.  Wether they use PGP, Digital Signatures or some
other key encryption - the person receiving it will need the same in order to
make sense of what you sent them.

The seconf thing that came up was a way around rotating IP addresses.  If you
are going to FTP your documents over to a mom and pop shop that uses a local
provider to access the net - more or less they will have a different IP address
each time they connect - unless they stay online 24/7 and never have a power

Lastly - what kind of EDI are you talking about?  Form based or the actual raw
data?  If it's a form based, then you might want to look at something that uses
Email (provided that you want to maintain Email addresses and your suppliers
have a common address - so when Sally is sick, Ken can get in and see todays
orders).  If you are talking about the wonderful raw data over the net - then
they would need an EDI translator (or a lot of time) to make use of the
document.  Then you're just trying to bypass a VAN, I assume.

But, if the above things do not phase you - then good luck!

One thing to consider though - alot of the new ways to do EDI are great for the
customer - but the supplier side will be the doing the running around and will
more or less consume those hidden charges.

Kristian Bryant
Autoliv ASP

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