By EDI over the Internet I make the assumption that they encountered the
exact same problems we did when we tried to go "VANLESS" and do EDI over
the Internet --- Many of our partners are not capable of it - therefore
we needed a VAN that we could connect to without changing our
communications model of FTP or HTTP only.

With regards to the original question asked: Many VANs do offer FTP for
sending/receiving data, but we went with because they have one
of the best pricing structures for just data transfer/interconnect at
our expected volume.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: EDI over the internet

Quoted text is from <003701bffe17$18cc2c40$0a0c0a96@newbybr>, by Brenda

>I am looking for a VAN/Service to use EDI over the internet.  We have
>researched ICC.NET.  Does anyone use them?  Does anyone have another
>VAN/Service they use for EDI over the internet?

This confuses me slightly, since I thought that a feature of 'EDI over
the Internet' was that one was *not* tied to any particular VAN, and
could use one's normal ISP. Perhaps someone can enlighten me.

(despite my unfortunate reputation this is a genuine, rather than
ironic, query)


Chris Johnson  +44 (0)20 8501 1490 (home)
EDIMatrix Ltd  +44 (0)20 8559 2454 (work)
               +44 (0)20 8559 2497 (fax)

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