I have been working with Sterling's product line for eight years.
Historically, like any other "help" desk support, the font line support is
meant for the novice user.
For those of us who are working with UNIX-based products as senior-level
consultants or technicians, our support comes from each other.

As you may well imagine, if the customer has a difficult time finding EDI
resources, so does Sterling.
The buyout of Sterling by SBC is a good one.  This gives Sterling a stronger
financial base to grow their product line and support.
Sterling is hiring.  They need people like everyone else.  After Sterling is
done with the post-buyout reorg, we should see improvement.

Lee LoFrisco
Sterling Commerce Consultant
VoiceMail: 614.210.2706
Cell Phone: 410.963.6218
eFax: 810.277.5002

-----Original Message-----
From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John Pavao
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: FW: XML Mapper

That's because I gave them all the answers!  ;)

Seriously, they have improved some.  At least in the call back arena.  They
used to be like Harbinger, with the "we'll call you back / check's in the
mail" thing.  At least now they call you back.  The problem is that I call
when I can't figure out the answer.  I know more about this product than
most of their tech support people.  So I'm generally able to figure it out
before they do because they don't put the truly knowledgeable people on
problem resolution.

About a year ago, I wrote them a document with 17 major issues I had with
5.1-1 for UNIX.  I ended up in a conference call with John Adler, and then
later with Jayne Gerlach.  They had no idea that their people couldn't
answer the questions.  Or that's how they played it.  Of those 17 issues,
some are fixed in 5.2-1 and I'm told that a few more are in 5.3, although I
can't remember the number now.  I'm sure some of them were planned all
along.  They opened ticket numbers for me, maybe it was to shut me up, haha.

There are two separate issues here.

1.  Call me back.  If you don't know the answer, tell me that and let's try
to work through it.
2.  KNOW THY PRODUCT.  If you DON'T know it, take your own %*$& training
classes and use it until you do.

>>> Javier Ortiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/03/00 03:11PM >>>
Hi All,
We are using Gentran:Server for Unix and not having any problem with thech
Javier Ortiz - EDI Analyst

                    Bob Scheuermann
                    <Scheuermann@MENTHO        To:
                    LATUM.COM>                 cc:
                    Sent by: Electronic        Subject:     Re: FW: XML
                    Data Interchange
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    10/03/2000 10:34 AM
                    Please respond to
                    Bob Scheuermann

Isn't it coincidental that all 3 companies, PaperFree, Sterling and
Harbinger have been
acquired by other firms that had no EDI background and all are having
support problems???

I wonder........

Bob Scheuermann
EDI Analyst
The Mentholatum Co., Inc.
716.677.2500 ext 1519
716.674.3696 fax

-----Original Message-----
From: John Pavao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: FW: XML Mapper

Think that's bad?  Try getting a solution out of Sterling Commerce before
you figure it out for yourself...

John C. Pavao
EDI Programmer/Analyst
Breed Technologies
(863) 668-6498

>>> "EDIADMIN, ISTA:EX" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/03/00 11:55AM >>>
We have had similar support problems with Harbinger.  Right now I am
for a fix to a problem that I reported 2 days ago and can't seem to get the
person that could help to call me back.  This has happened time and time
again.  I find it so hard to believe that we can't get answers back from
someone as large as Harbinger.  Calling our sales rep or their boss gets
absolutely no response.

Yes, I agree, this is a great forum to find these things out.  We may be
getting a new translator product within a year because of bad service
We just installed TLE in May/00.
Frustration just doesn't say enough!
Lauren Norris
EDI Consultant
Victoria, BC Canada

-----Original Message-----
From: jat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: XML Mapper
Importance: High

Email or phone, still no response from PaperFree sales !!!

Just thought this group should be aware of the customer support concerns
which  I find unbelieveably bad.

This is a good forum for these concerns since calling and emailing Dan
Kazzaz, the founder doesn't seem to do any good either !!!

Julie A. Thompson, EDI Consultant

-----Original Message-----
From: Paula Cadle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 9:25 AM
To: jat
Subject: Re: Re: XML Mapper

We've had that experience as well.  We found we got faster response by
sending an email to Customer Support vs. only using a phone call.

Paula Cadle
EC Analyst
DotCom Technologies, Inc.
330.645.7575  ext 3035
-----Original Message-----
Date: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: XML Mapper

>If you can anyone to return a phone call !!
>Julie A. Thompson
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues

>Behalf Of Rachel Foerster
>Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 9:21 PM
>Subject: Re: XML Mapper
>ECMap by PaperFree, A NEON company.
>Greetings -
>We are in need of a tool that can map XML to a segmented-fixed flat
>file format
>(that is, multiple records but each record can have a different number
>fields).  We don't necessarily need an all inclusive any-to-any
>mapper, just
>something that can map.  The ideal product would be able to import a
>DTD or
>schema and create a document tree from which you could map.  Is anyone
>aware of
>such a tool?  All answers appreciated !!
>Mike Mueller
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