I'll try to stay in a similar tone to Richard's efforts. Quiet,
restrained, thoughtful prose.

First off, having just watched the season premiere of Voyager, I'd like
to suggest that perhaps Richard has been assimilated by the Borg. I'll
admit that there lots of organisations buying MS products. Does it make
them the best? Nope. To quote an author I respect "Go lemmings go!".

Here is a real example... try to run a web site using NT - if the box
was designed specifically to run NT you will get an average of one week
between crashes. If the box wasn't designed specifically for NT you may
crash daily - or worse. Such reliability. I setup a web site running
under OS/2 (you remember - the operating system where IBM was teaching
Microsoft how to write an operating system. Pity Bill got mad and took
his bat and ball home.) Anyway we reboot the site once a year - it
doesn't need it - but just in case. It has been running for five years,
and yes, that is a total of five reboots. Last spring the site did
crash, the hard drive wore out as it had been running without powering
down for forty plus thousand hours. Replaced the drive, restored the
system, and it is still going strong. The irony is that the client has
now standardised on NT and other MS products. Not because the products
are better, but rather to get the sense of security that comes from
joining the other lemmings.

Richard Druckenmiller wrote:
> Prove it!  Secure as compared to what:  denial of service, hacks, crash,
> etc. List your measuring stick and we will compare.
> List web sites referring to proof that Windows NT 4/2000 Server is any
> more unsecure:
> and ISBN numbers of books here:
> Microsoft's platform is the overwhelming choice of Internet sites
> involved in serious transactional work, such as shopping sites by 5 to 1
> over Sun Solaris and Linux.
> More than half of all secure (SSL) Web sites run on Microsoft's
> platform--almost four times the number that run on Sun Solaris
> Go to http://www.netcraft.com/ and see for yourself who uses what.
> -RD

-- Stuff deleted...
Bill Laidley
EDI and Electronic Commerce Consulting

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