I couldn't of said it better.  Thanks for conveying my thoughts
on XML.

Lee LoFrisco

-----Original Message-----
From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of edi lst
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: XML for EDI book: Any comments? Human Readable !!!

Hi y'all,

Oh boy, that phrase "Human Readable"

<?xml version="1.0">
<Meldung type="RECHNUNG">

Just a short example, hand key'ed so please forgive any syntax errors
(Excuse me I'm just doing my Conan O'Brian "They can't complain about syntax
errors" dance).

Hands up those that could read it.

As far as I am aware the standard for XML says that white space (which
includes new line characters) can be thrown away.  Theoretically all of the
above could be on a single line without any white space.  Now tell me again
that it is readable.  The reason you never see XML formatted in that way is
because your using an application (Internet Explorer or whatever) to parse
it and format it in a pleasing way.

I hold my hand up and admit that I don't have too many problems reading EDI
(hold the geek remarks).  I quite often pull up an EDI order and can easily
see who it came from, where it's going to, Product Codes etc.  It usually
fits onto a single screen, the same XML could be 20 pages of data, I'd be
scrolling around more than a Microsoft employee looking through their
network trace files.

I personally don't care which format our customers use, both are relatively
easy.  As most people in this industry are aware, it's usually the business
issue and application integration that throw up the real problems.

As far as I can see (which isn't far, I think I need new glasses) there are
2 reasons for moving to XML.
1) The Owner/Manager says "Do XML"
2) Your biggest Customer says "Do XML"

Ian Crawford
Web : www.eprosper.co.uk
eProsper Ltd.

----- Original Message -----
From: Glass, John K. III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 11:16 AM
Subject: XML for EDI book: Any comments?

> Hello group.
> I was browsing through some books at amazon.com and noticed a book that's
> supposed to be coming out in November called:
> Xml for Edi : Making E-Commerce a Reality
> by Hussain Chinoy, Tyna Hull, Robi Sen
>         I was wondering if anyone has preordered this book and if you have
> heard any buzz about what it will contain.  You guys don't know of any
> books which dealt with this whole EDI/XML issue, do you?  Anyway, any info
> that you have about this book would be appreciated.
>         Thanks.
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