
Thank you for the re-post.  As I mentioned, I had followed
pretty closely that thread (and in fact, I went to the archives
and re-read the thread before posting this).  It was very

However, Dan (the poster) was on the front-end of a BizTalk
installation, and was referring to these solutions as things he
had yet to actually implement.

I'm looking for real-world findings and solutions from those
who may have already implemented BizTalk, and worked their way
around these somewhat different problems, or found them of no
significant consequence.

Unfortunately, I'm pretty well aware of the limitations
published and discussed by Microsoft.  But, knowing Microsoft
as I do (and the fact that they're using Gentran for their
personal EDI systems), I lack some faith in their ability to
understand the realistic problems that EDI poses, which are so
much different than XML problems.

I'm sure they understand XML very well, and they have a basic
understanding of EDI, and how to make the two mesh.  I need
someone from outside MS who has dealt with the situation to
tell me "not to worry", or "here are the problems, but we've
found a way to get around them", or "run away as fast as you
can".  I'm hoping the Final Answer lies somewhere between the
first 2.

John Miller
Miller Associates

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