Unfortunately, I'm not able to abandon ship.  I've been brought
onto a team who (prior to my arrival) chose BizTalk as their
platform for any-to-any transaction hub management.  Every
document will be EDI in at least one direction (EDI in, XML or
flat or EDI out - or flat/XML/EDI in, EDI out).

They brought me on board as the resident EDI expert, to advise
them and ensure that their EDI processes work (no loss of data
or transactions, meets specs, etc.).  But, in the process, I'm
finding a lot of info that gives me a feeling of "bad mojo"
surrounding BizTalk as their chosen server.

Given that they've got a lot of people involved, and they're
not likely to change their minds on the server (personally, I
would have used Gentran:Server NT with XML extensions), I need
to help them prepare for and find ways around the problems I'm

But, even before I do that, I'd like to find people who've
already run into the problems I think might happen, and find

1)  If they exist
2)  If there are others I'm missing
3)  How bad they really are
4)  Suggestions on ways to avoid or fix them

I'm an EDI guy, not particularly fond of or knowledgeable about
XML or building COM's, or any of that other "programmer"
stuff.  What I'm learning about BizTalk is enough to scare me,
coming from an EDI background of pretty stable processes and
standards.  I feel like Lewis & Clark, blazing a trail through
some pretty tough terrain.  And I don't care much for the

John Miller
Miller Associates

---- Beecher, Anthony ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> My hunch is that (excluding Biztalk) many of the new breed
EDI products
> and
> services were next in line behind B2C for the IPO market,
touting the
> "Miracle of XML". When B2C marked the end of Tech IPOs, many
of these
> new
> breed EDI products died, while waiting in line. As the
economy turned,
> so
> did the interest in re-pioneering a new breed of EDI.
(and a lot more, which I've cut)

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