if you don't mind, take some notes on your experiences.  I am doing
an EDI/XML presentation in a few weeks and I would be interested to
hear your experiences with Biztalk.
Dave Frenkel
----- Original Message -----
From: John Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: BizTalk for EDI, anyone?

> Unfortunately, I'm not able to abandon ship.  I've been brought
> onto a team who (prior to my arrival) chose BizTalk as their
> platform for any-to-any transaction hub management.  Every
> document will be EDI in at least one direction (EDI in, XML or
> flat or EDI out - or flat/XML/EDI in, EDI out).
> They brought me on board as the resident EDI expert, to advise
> them and ensure that their EDI processes work (no loss of data
> or transactions, meets specs, etc.).  But, in the process, I'm
> finding a lot of info that gives me a feeling of "bad mojo"
> surrounding BizTalk as their chosen server.
> Given that they've got a lot of people involved, and they're
> not likely to change their minds on the server (personally, I
> would have used Gentran:Server NT with XML extensions), I need
> to help them prepare for and find ways around the problems I'm
> seeing.
> But, even before I do that, I'd like to find people who've
> already run into the problems I think might happen, and find
> out:
> 1)  If they exist
> 2)  If there are others I'm missing
> 3)  How bad they really are
> 4)  Suggestions on ways to avoid or fix them
> I'm an EDI guy, not particularly fond of or knowledgeable about
> XML or building COM's, or any of that other "programmer"
> stuff.  What I'm learning about BizTalk is enough to scare me,
> coming from an EDI background of pretty stable processes and
> standards.  I feel like Lewis & Clark, blazing a trail through
> some pretty tough terrain.  And I don't care much for the
> feeling.
> John Miller
> Miller Associates
> ---- Beecher, Anthony ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > My hunch is that (excluding Biztalk) many of the new breed
> EDI products
> > and
> > services were next in line behind B2C for the IPO market,
> touting the
> > "Miracle of XML". When B2C marked the end of Tech IPOs, many
> of these
> > new
> > breed EDI products died, while waiting in line. As the
> economy turned,
> > so
> > did the interest in re-pioneering a new breed of EDI.
> (and a lot more, which I've cut)
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